Week Commencing 09102017

Ended the week with an epic 3 hours or so learning about movement and flow with the guys from ‘LIFT The Movement’.  Highly recommend spending some time with these guys, you’ll definitely learn and improve how you move!

Nice amount of variety again, including some deliberate, slow sled pushes with the aim of maximum time under tension.  These were spicy!


Monday 9th

20 mins Airdyne – 709 cals! New record for 20 mins (just)


Tuesday 10th


60 Cal row

100 Double Unders

800m run with 20kg plate

100 double unders

800m run



Tabata russian twists with wall ball


6 sets Strict pull ups;

8, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10


Wednesday 11th

Clusters each set of 5,3,1 has no rest other than changing weights.

2 mins rest between each 5,3,1

  1. 5@45, 3@50, 1@55
  2. 5@50, 3@55, 1@60
  3. 5@60, 3@70, failed 1@80.


15 min AMRAP;

15 TTB

12 reverse KB lunges w/24kg KB in front rack

9 KB clean & jerk @24kg KB


Thursday 12th

Back squat


3*5@105 – as per last week, focus on quality of movement and reasonable speed standing up


2 rounds;

400m Run

30 Thrusters @30



Friday 13th

Rest day – walked about 5 miles


Saturday 14th

Sled pushes – 2 lengths – you go / I go format

Focus on slow pushing with large steps – maximum range of leg movement, and increased time under tension.  This is very different from the normal push as fast as you can sled work!

Worked up over 10 sets from 60kg to 120kg on the sled.

While resting perform ~8 yards beast crawl and accumulate 5*5 single leg deadlifts each leg @40kg


4*5 single arm KB press from bottom of lunge @24kg KB

Do 5 reps each side without coming out of the lunge.  Repeat with opposite leg forwards *2


Battle ropes;

30 seconds on / 30 seconds rest *8

Alternate each set between alternating arms and both arms at once.  Be aggressive!


Sunday 15th

3 hour seminar with LIFT the Movement covering some animal flow, mobility, strict muscle ups, hand stands.

Epic afternoon of learning!

Week Commencing 21082017

I didn’t feel this was a particularly strong week, but looking back it was actually pretty decent and varied.  Another benefit of keeping a training diary vs. just remembering how you feel, you may look back and realise you’d actually achieved more than you thought!

Managed some lifting and kipping practice, front squats, pause squats and jumping squats for some added dynamic movement.  Got some decent strength work, along with overhead stability which is great for the shoulders and core.

How is your training going? Do you keep an accurate record of your progress?

Monday 21st

Snatch practice








KB snatch @24

Ring dips


Practiced passing kb without putting it down – slow, but good practice

Tuesday 22nd

3 mis per station, 2 rounds;

  1. 600m run
  2. 500m row
  3. 50 Russian swings @32
  4. 500m ski erg
  5. 30 cal assault bike
  6. 50 sit ups
  7. rest

5*5 front squat@80kg – focus on speed and posture

5*14 double KB overhead lunge @2*16kg

Wednesday 23rd

Rest day

Thursday 24th

Pause squats

5*1@110 no bounce, must drive straight up.  Pause more like 2 seconds, should have aimed for 3+

16 min EMOM;

  1. 50 seconds plank
  2. 12 front rack lunges @ 2*24kg
  3. 12 deficit press ups
  4. 10 Dumbbell box step ups 2*22.5kg, 24″ box

Friday 25th

Some kipping practice

6*6 barbell row alternate palms facing in / out



12 minute AMRAP;

21 wall balls 20lb ball

15 burpees to a plate

9 c2b pull ups

4 rounds +2 reps

4*10 strict ring dips

4*6 chin ups (palms facing)

4*10 GHD sit ups

Saturday 26th

Jumping squats;







All the carries

90 yard front rack KB @2*24kg KBs

60 yard overhead carry @2*24kg KBs

120 yard front rack carry @26kg Bulgarian bag


Cable machine;


Biceps curls @23kg

Triceps rope pull down @26kg



10 hanging leg raises

30 seconds hollow hold

4 rounds

Dumbbell shoulder press – Tempo slow down (at least 3 seconds), fast up

4*6@20kg each hand

Sunday 27th

20 mins airdyne steady pace – 644 cals